In past days the domain of our countryside – an old bus converted into a mobile grocery and convenience store went to villages where there was no shop. Nowadays a rare thing in the age of supermarkets and online food imports. Hand on heart, who among us doesn’t use their services…
But we are very happy that this tradition of delivering goods from regional producers and manufacturers has been renewed by Státní zemědělský intervenční fond, which has been going to the regions with a mobile shop for several years.
And this year you can also buy our mobile cars full of goodies goat’s cheese ripened under a noble mould GABRIN! The cheese is creamy inside with a creamy taste and a light goat aroma. It is handmade according to an old family recipe. Each piece of cheese is such a little original. The cheese production process consists of pasteurisation, inoculation, sieving and subsequent separation of curds from whey. It is perfectly delicious! For gourmets 🙂
In June, stops are planned in Vsetín, Český Těšín, Kroměříž, Havířov, Třinec, Bruntál, Valašské Meziříčí and Frýdek Město.
A perfect opportunity to taste at least a snippet of our production. Thank you for supporting us.